Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A doctrine Of Fact / Bush Uncovered

You will be scared. I have finished the work behind figuring out what President Bush is really up to. You the people of America are the proper forum to get the word out.What strikes us as the Presidents ignorance of society, it's legal lower classes, and the world, is not that at all. All the realities of what he is doing to us and the world will hit you right in the face and make instant sense. The doctrine he is following is in the dictionary under the word Nihilism. It constitutes a rejection of all distinctions of moral value constituting a willingness to refute all previous moral theories. also the belief that the destruction of existing political and social Institutions is necessary to ensure future improvement. Bingo! everything he is doing and allowing now makes sense.This is fact, it is Doctrine, and it is right in the dictionary.This is followed only in order to replace existing societies and Governments and as you can all attest to President Bush is well on his way.
First he has to finish bringing down existing societies and Government rule. He is almost complete in bringing down the legal lower classes and existing government rule. This includes as you are witnessing the destruction of the Democratic Party. Regardless of your Politial Persuasion we can not allow him to finish his plan.For our own good as a country we can not allow this to happen. We can not allow him to emplace his new plan for a society and country. His plan for society is horrible for the legal lower classes as we all are experiencing every day. You watch fist hand as he continues to tighten the noose around the legal lower classes and furthers the causes of the elite. He only needs the lower classes for their tax contributions. They are needed to fund his illegal immigrants necessary for his facade of economic recovery and the completion of his plan for a new society. This can only make sense now that you are finally hearing the unbiased truth doesn't it? He needs the taxes of the legal lower classes to fund his social security plan for the elite. He needs the taxes of the lower classes in order to fund all the negative results of taking care of the rich. Sadly for us we are only seeing the beginning of the effects of his corruptive ineptitude. The wealthy and the Christian right Republicans will be the only benefactors of his new plan for society as you are witnessing this too first hand.Of course when this is mentioned to him he will like eveerything else just deny it, laugh it off, say it is mere speculatuin, and continue on with his plan. This is standard for this say one thing and do another President as long as he gets his way. you are in fact being hoodwinked, bamboozeled, and Bushwacked. This is all fact, Doctrine, and in the Dictionary.Worse for the world is that he is outsourcing his Karl Rove's taught version of 3D, divisive' deceptive, decietful, Politics to any country in the world where he sees a vulnerability. Sadly we are only seeing the beginnings of the chaos and world disorder. This too is all part of his plan for new world order. In its entirety this can lead you to only two schools of thought. Either he does not realize the repercussions of his actions which is standard for him. However not true in this instance. Either that or he better turn this ship named america around because he is about to sink it. onca again for the sake of the country it is up to us the average American to get going and save America while we can.
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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