Thursday, August 25, 2005

I think It's Too Late But The Country Is Waking Up

President Bush's polls are down to a record low yet he continues on blindly. His matra, we will stay, we will fight, we will win. The career cheer leader still doesn't see the forest for the trees. His polls have gone steadily down since his reelection as they shoud be. It isn't only because of the Iraq War. People are realizing more and more that he is on his own agenda. He is not being honest with them,and they are realizing he is not what or who he tells them he is. we need a leader not a cheer leader. Support for Mr Cheney,Mr Rumsfeld, and the entire congress are down. The people are realizing these so called leaders are not on our side they are in it for themselves. They continue to fight amongst themselves and ignore the real problems of the country which are significant and getting worse . President Bush is still insisting we are meeting our objectives in Iraq. He just doesn't have a clue someone wake him up.
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma.

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