Monday, August 22, 2005

Society must wake up and take Accountability

I think it is very interesting that people of both parties are beginning to wake up and see the acts although the facts are still just denied, laughed off, or discounted. It's the D.A.M.D. (Declining American Morality Dinks) we wrote about in the first Book that are the problem in the first and every place.We have lost our collective morality and need to regain it before it is too late.The lying on every level of society especially the Government must stop and it is only getting worse.Just because you say you are a Christian or anything else doesn't mean it is okay for you too lie to get your way.There is too much happening in this administration that is no ones fault or responsibility. We have to make these children we call Politicians make believe they are adults.

James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma.

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