Thursday, October 27, 2005

Iran wants the Bomb, world muslim domination, anihilation of the West and Israel, and we aren't supposed to be concerned?

The first problem is that we now have Muslim hard liner and purveyor of Israel's and the West's total annihilation in control of very dangerous Iran, that of course is Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. Despite denials you can be guaranteed that he was involved in the 1979 armed takeover of the U.S. embassy in Tehran. As we all know, this resulted in the long term holding of American hostages. There was also an aborted failed rescue attempt and the Iran Contra scandal that marred President Reagan's Presidency. They covertly have nuclear weapons ambitions, are developing them, and are overtly denying everything. They are also advocating spreading nuclear technology to all Muslim Nations supposedly only for peaceful purposes. You can guarantee yourself that this so called peaceful use is for their so called peace and your destruction. Their desire is for a totally Muslim dominated world both strictly ruled and run. Iran's newspaper in a direct quote attributd to Irans President mahmoud Ahmedinejad says that we will soon experience a world without the U.S. and zionism. He is publicly calling for the total elimination of Israel another U.N. Nation and this is the first time in History. To top it all off we are told not to worry. I guess we are supposed to walk blissfuly and ignorantly to our inevitable deaths as the Jews did during WW2 before they realized what was in reality happening. We know what is happening so let us acknowledge it and act accordingly.
James Joiner
Dover, NH

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