Sunday, November 06, 2005

Evolution verse intelligent design but why?

Thinking about this renewed daily debate with daily reminders in the news I remembered that this was an issue a while back and I wrote about it from an unbiased viewpoint. Here it is in response to Bush's intervention. I had to talk about this because I thought the President had no right to inject his beliefs into this debate but I did find myself agreeing with a small part of what he said and that never happens. Of course it isn't for the obvious reasons or for any selfish personal agenda but rather it is the facts. We have discussed in the past the theory of intelligent design. I do not believe in this for Religious reasons but rather for common sense. like most, i happen to believe in evolution. I also believe in what we call intelligent design. Both if thought about unbiasedly are fact. However due to personal bias most take one side of the issue or the other. Both views however are part of the whole which is man today as we know him. Religion should not be taught in our public schools. However, in teaching one or the other you are just giving half the equation and thus injecting your own personal agenda. Bush was speaking up for his base the fundamentalist Christian Right to lifer's and he has no right to advocate any principle as he has no leg to stand on. He has no right to advocate that religion in any context be taught in our public schools. Evolution is an undeniable fact, so too is some kind of intelligent design. We must remember that in the end our selfish bias should not be the measure. Right or wrong, the truth, the whole story, should be the only measure. We must get back to Thomas Jefferson's ideal that once you became a member of society you would automatically obtain common sense and do the right thing for that society. Forget about it today.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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