Friday, November 04, 2005

I.E.D.priority only a consideration???

With 6 more troops killed Thursday by improvised explosive devices. With 60% of our 2037 troops killed and the biggest killer of troops being I E D's I can't believe we havn't devoted our all to the effort of detecting these things. We can figure out anything if we want to or in this case i'm sure, if there was enough financial incentive. What on earth are we waiting for? With 96 dead, October is the 4th deadliest month of the war. I refuse to believe that only now "11/04" is the Pentagon considering making the effort to develop new tactics and technologies against I E D's its top priority.Considering? this is unconscionable and unbelievable. What is wrong with us? What are we waiting for? According to the Pentagon combatting the ever improving I E d's has only been discussed. This should be priority one. We should have a top priority, innovative thinking, task force in front of their improvisations not them in front of us. These are fellow Americans we are talking about, regardless of what you think about the iraq war we have to take care of our own. If we wanted to we could figure out a way technologically to beat these I E D's. Put Bush over there. We wouldn't like it but We'd have an answer real quick.
James Joiner
Gardner, ma

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