Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Wer'e not Stupid we get it !!!

Expecting common sense and the right thing done from the President and saying so has become known as Bush bashing. Seeing that every time I turn to Oreilley's show he has the wrong take on every single issue. Now I'm starting to feel like an Oreilley basher too. That is a good thing but in both cases it is worthless because they have their own agenda and that is all that matters. I have decided that I am sick of people that just don't get it making a living accusing others of just not getting it. I just don't get it! What happened to the idea of engaging brain first? Oreilley agrees with former CIA michael Scheuer that the public is uneducated as to the real dangers we are facing and does not have the will to fight the enemy, the terrorists in their eyes. We get it, they are after the wrong public enemy #1. The worst enemy to our precious America is within. Wer'e not stupid! First we must fight the real enemy to our caring, compassionate, Democratic America, President Bush. Then we can concentrate on the President created #1 enemy the Islamists.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

1 comment:

jmsjoin said...

I agree with your comment 100%. I was also in the USAF and live in Gardner. I would like to talk with you eventualy. I like your comments. How do I contact you? I also Blog on dalykos where i am a regular contributor. look around my site and tell me what you think.