Thursday, December 15, 2005

Reality will hit and Bush's Polls will go back down where they belong!

Now that the Presidents polls that he supposedly does not listen to are going back up after 4 misconceived speeches on events concerning Iraq. He somehow thinks he has the moral standing to say that he believes Tom Delay is innocent. You can be sure he is guilty and who is this President with no moral standing whatsoever thinking he should be believed? To top that off we now have Robert Novak Republican partisan and columnist who broke the Plame story to begin with apparently cooperating with the investigation. We know Mr. Cheney has already been implicated in the treasonous act of outing an undercover CIA agent.
Now Mr. Novak admits that he is convinced that the President himself almost definitely knew who was responsible for the leak. I will guarantee you that the President did know if he didn’t in fact okay the leak himself. Remember who his teacher of deceitful, deceptive, divisive, 3D politics was and his moral standing. We will never learn the truth but it is a bit funny when you think of this. At one point before the investigation started to point in his direction the President vowed to fire whoever was involved in leaking the name of the undercover agent. Just imagine this; if he was honest he would probably go down in history as the first president to have himself impeached. Just hold on, reality will hit the people again and those polls will be down again where they should be.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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