Sunday, January 15, 2006

Consequences of Alito's confirmation will be serious business!

With Mr. Alito being called even by the Republican Majority for choice as being out of step with mainstream Americans you know that is why the President wants him. This final day of hearings was a waste of breath time and money. His confirmation is a foregone conclusion and average americans should be worried.
Let’s just take a minute to discuss the consequences of the political circus we called Alito’s confirmation hearings. As we witnessed, these hearings appeared to be a foregone conclusion and a political forum and sideshow. With the importance of the task at hand I think the PR should have been done away with. At least the issues could have been debated seriously even if his confirmation is a foregone conclusion. The expected confirmation of judge Alito to the Supreme Court will make him the decisive vote in several upcoming cases that are very important to averages Americans.
He will have an immediate impact in the areas of abortion, religion, and the death penalty, issues important to most of us. With election campaigns, executive power, and the environment being big issues at the moment, his confirmation will set the stage for big changes in these areas too. President Bush’s nominee of like mind could tip the balance to the Right and hopefully not the extreme right on maybe a dozen important issues on which the Justices have been traditionally closely split. With that said I don’t think Mr. Alito will be voting in the same direction as Sandra Day O’Connor would have. Average Americans do indeed have a lot to be concerned about with Mr. Alito’s confirmation.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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