Monday, January 23, 2006

An Independents Look at Yesterdays Presidential lies or Whatever you Call Them?

President Bush went on the offense yesterday 1/23/06 as usual. He insisted he would stay on the offensive in the war against terrorists. As if that makes him special or something? Anyone of either party would do the same thing in light of the world atmosphere today. He said he would continue to use every tool available to him in order to protect the American people. Again this is nothing special because anyone of either party would do the same thing. Of course he is though referring to the spying on of Americans. It isn’t the use of the tools it’s the misuse of the tools we have to be concerned about with President Bush. He again defended his decision to invade Iraq and take the fight to the enemy. I thought WMD was his first reason for attacking. He didn’t take the fight to the enemy. In Iraq he created the enemy. He is still creating new insurgents with his refusal to think, adapt, and overcome. He insists instead on telegraphing his intentions by insisting on staying the course and creating new insurgents.
He defended using the NSA to eavesdrop on Al Quaeda to protect us and only calls from outside the U.S. He forgot to mention we are having in country calls rerouted outside the U.S. then back in so we could legally justify monitoring them. He ridiculously says that if a terrorist is making a phone call too the U.S. he wants to know why? No kidding he is good! Again I will say it is his misuse of any power that concerns many of us. He said in the war on terror we need good intelligence. Again I will say intelligence good or bad is useless if the President fails to act on it responsibly as he does continually. He said our future depends on good intelligence services. Again he failed to mention its how you utilize them that’s important. It’s funny he is Johnny on the spot with terrorism questions. The only question he had trouble answering was by a student wanting to know why he cut federal public education funds. after much hemming, hawing, double speak, and backpeddling he managed to answer the question and escape speaking the truth. He plays verbal games but manages to somehow get the public on his side in regards to terrorism and the Iraq war, war is the Republican forte even if as in Iraq, he created it himself.
He then spoke about how important the Patriot act was. He still insists as he does with his tax cuts for the rich, that they be made permanent and now. I think congress made a wise move by making the last extension short and temporary. It should continue to be reviewed and closely scrutinized. Especially knowing the Presidents propensity to do whatever he wants. Any potentially harmful tool in his hands is a scary thought. It isn’t the Patriot act as much as the Presidents misuse of it that is of prime concern to many of us.
I believe that like John Kerry it is possible to protect America while still protecting the Constitution. Neither is being done adequately as many of us believe today. He insists Saddam had to go. Yes but only so he could fight his created insurgents and have a good issue to campaign on. He said Saddam was an immediate threat and had to go because he was firing at our planes in his country of Iraq. What? Every ridiculous excuse to justify his misact ions too many to list here, was obvious to an unbiased thinking man and full of holes. Myself, just looking at him makes me not trust what he says. Tell me what you think?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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