Friday, January 27, 2006

Most think Bush is failing 2nd Term. it's too late but it's about time!

I must say that I am happy to talk about the next subject and give the opinions of average Americans. A CNN report yesterday 1/27 announced that the majority of Americans are more likely to vote for a candidate who opposes President Bush. 58% of those polled considered his 2nd term to be a failure. As far as many of us are concerned it is a miserable failure. We will have to live with the results for years to come. Myself I won’t feel safe until those that consider him a failure period is closer to 80% or higher.
They also found that fewer people consider President Bush to be honest and trustworthy than a year ago. More than half of Americans feel he misled us before attacking Iraq. Again in fact it is worse than that. He will never stop misleading, it is his nature. Remember his past? In preparing for his State of the Union Address next week he said he is looking forward to campaigning for Republicans running for election in November. We can only hope they let him. It will hurt republicans and help Democrats. That is already being proven out with 51% of those polled by CNN said they are more likely to vote for a candidate in the congressional elections who opposes President Bush. Again I wall say I’d feel a lot better if the numbers were a lot higher.
Finally, for the first time since his election in 2001 said a majority of those polled said the President who campaigned as a uniter not a divider is now thought of as a divisive leader. It’s about time! As most of us know, being divisive is something his teach Karl Rove’s taught him and it has heretofore worked well for him.
I will add this. The Presidents 2nd term like his first is a complete and utter failure and an American catastrophe. As said, we will all be living with the consequences of his mis actions for years and years to come I fear. Worse is that we are still just seeing the beginning of the negative consequences of his complete and utter ineptitude in the Middle East, America, and around the world.
His latest failure will prove to be with Hamas. It will also once more be a crisis of his own making. Hamas has come to power in Palestine as we know. He has refused to deal with terrorists and under normal conditions this might be the right attitude. With Fatah rallying in the streets against Hamas you are led to think the U.S. is behind it and once more the president has succeeded in being divisive and causing more trouble.
With that said and done not talking with Hamas is merely guaranteeing Palestine as a definite future enemy of the U.S. Iran who already supports them, and others will gladly pick up we’re we will not. The President has really straightened out the Middle East huh? It is too late to stop the damage the President has done to the U.S., the Middle East, and around the world. The American people turning against him and Republicans sounds good to many of us but in the long run it will not help. The damage is done!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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