Sunday, January 29, 2006

My SOTU Address About Bush's State Of Disunion!

I love our America! I love the America I served for! I love the America of my forefathers! I love the America our forefathers set up for us with the Constitution they drafted with their intended interpretation of it as intended not our selfish reinterpretation to fit our selfish needs.

I do not like at all the America President Bush is creating.

Yesterday FoxNews asked if you could ask one question of the President what would you ask?

I would simply ask this two part question! Why are you purposely destroying the middle Class, harming the lower class, purposely making the rich richer and encouraging clandestinely, illegal immigration and border insecurity to create a new society and America, while outsourcing his Rove's taught brand of divisive politics around the world creating chaos and mayhem around the world as we witness in Iraq and now Palestine? Part 2. You keep saying how how great the economy is, if it is so great then why are the plights of average americans purposely and consistently worsened while the rich who to you are the people you refer to when saying you have their best interest in mind, just keep getting richer. I know this is a long 2 part question and he can't hold a thought this long but?

He of course will again brag about how well the country is doing and how much better off the "people" are. You know now if you didn't before who the people are he is talking about and it isn't you the average American, sick or elderly. It isn't our society with its once manufacturing base he is trying to say no longer matters as you know, because he is taking it away from the average American and letting it be sold or sending it overseas. He only promotes entrepenuership because that is going to be his new societal foundation.

You will find it spelled out in the dictionary as a factual doctrine what he is up to. It is a Doctrine the Russians followed in the mid nineteenth century to unseat existing Government rule and replace it with their new idea( so the Russians are still beating us and will have the last laugh). The link to A Doctine Of Fact/Bush Uncovered is now correct and at the top of this page. Bottom left on the menu you will find it as a free download. Read it please and vote Democratic in November. We might have some who are corrupt as Republicans want to point out but at least they don't want to change the America we all knew and loved.

Just one last note because this really struck home. While I was writing this last night I heard someone on Dateline saying that Oprah must be the last one to learn that ex druggies and alcoholics lie. I guess she isn't because no one will admit it but someone out there elected one as President. HAVE A NICE DAY!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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