Saturday, January 07, 2006

Robertsons ignorance increased with percieved dominance of the Republican Party

As we have said many times in the past, regardless of what the Religion extreme Religiosity is the most dangerous force in the world. It has been the force behind many of society’s problems and reasons for wars since the beginning of time. Right here in the U.S. We have developed great problems in the daily fabric of society by the purposeful infusion of hard line religious beliefs into our Political system. Fundamentalist Christianity is playing a very boisterous and unhealthy role in our Government. It is felt by many who are capable of unbiased thought. It is beginning to cause much animosity amongst many some of which as myself, are even Christian.
However we all feel Religion does not have a roll in our Political system beyond driving you to do the right thing for the country and its people. There is no role for any one Religion to feel they can force there beliefs on the rest of America and its citizens. Isn’t that what we are accusing the Islamists of doing? President Bush has done this at each and every opportunity he gets. We could be talking about any number of Republican leaders in this administration right now but we are instead talking about Pat Robertson (AKA televangelist).
As the republican Party is doing increasingly well as far as the fundamentalists are concerned, many of them are increasingly emboldened to acts of immorality as you witness by the politicians. As religious leaders their role is not to advocate dominance but tolerance so with this in mind Pat Robertson has stepped over the line many times over the years. He advocated the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Right or wrong that isn’t the point. This guy has been over the top for years. He must learn to control his mouth and like Bush he never will.
Many Fundamentalist Christians, not all, have been too forward and loud in their pushing of Christianity on the country and the rest of the world. It is counter productive to the good of the country, the world, and Christianity. What Mr. Robertson thinks does not matter. Pat Robertson continues proving himself to be a major quack. Thankfully as far as I’m concerned he has proven once again the dangers of Christian fundamentalism in our society. I mentioned earlier I felt the president had no right to inject his feelings and beliefs into the debate between intelligent design and evolution and neither did Robertson.
Pat Robertson a proven crackpot has also announced that God won’t help the town of Dover because they don’t want divine intervention taught in their schools. What happened to the God that loves everyone? What happened to the god that loves all? It’s there way or the highway. I don't think the likes of Pat robertson realize the corruption and depravity of these so called fundamentalists has finally come to the fore front. I refuse to believe someone that professes a love for Christ and God can make such a stupid statement as God gave Sharon the stroke because of his stance in Gaza. Come on, these fundamentalists in and out of government must be brought under control before they sink us. Their corrupt negative influence has come to light in the publics eyes at last. Hopefully Robertson and the likes will go south as the republican party does. With that said Bush shows no let up himself only a willingness to continue his corruptive fundamentalist unbridled religiosity.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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