Thursday, March 23, 2006

Common Experience, Common Sense, Common Sense Answers!

In the past I have written about this subject. Also we hear once in while a call for Muslim Madrasa's to stop preaching hate for the west and to start preaching tolerance of others. As you know, it is hypocratic for Bush to say that and what's new. We have the same problem right her in our own society.
Our underlying societal problem is our overwhelming loss of morality. We must get our moral base bact and I do not mean this unbridled out of control, extreme religiousity, we see corruptively displayed by the so called Bush Fundamentalists. We are hearing occasionally that we have a morality Problem in our society. Not by all but by many. Very Good! we have to congratulate them for waking up.
In my first book I said the underlying problem in our society was due to the D.A.M.D. (Declining American morality Dinks). We can fix our problems here and around the world but we must start at home, with our base, our souls, our morality. Just look at the cover of my first book. Analize the cover, read more about the subject if you want but just look at the cover. It speaks volumes about our problems without going any further.

Okay, we all know that being awake in todays tumultuous, often unpleasant environment, can be debillitating at times. however, our underlying problems in our entire society on every level boils down to oneword. If only we could get people to implement it first we would have no problems. Consideration!
Lack of morality, lack of consideration, ineptitude, these are a few of the many problems with Bush. all worsened by the doctrine he is following. Look at here free!

I think I have a few people realizing what bush is doing and why. i think we are realizing why we have so many problems in our society today.

However, What to do,that is the question? This is a question I have had posed to me many times by commentors in many past diaries. Myself, I have taken to writing multi subject diaries often because there are so many negative events occuring daily that I feel we should address and discuss and we just can't keep abreast of them all and it has become overwhelming. I hear many people voicing this and saying they have to stop listening to the news so they can keep their sanity because daily event have become overwhelming.

As a country, as a world, as a whole, we must regain or collective morality. we have to! Our moving into the future as a society, as a country, as a world community successfully, depens on it.

James Joiner

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