Thursday, April 20, 2006

We are still Waiting for Our Shining LIGHT To Lead Us Out of This Ever darkening Tunnel Of Bush's

With the Retired Generals call for Rummy's resignation being ignored as expected.

With the threat of an extended war in at least the middle east. Maybe even Nuclear!

With the most recent signs of bush's victory against so called terrorism in Iraq.

With insurgency on the increase in Afghanistan thanks to Bush purposely opening an unnecessary front in Iraq and creating a war on bush created insurgents.

With Bush insisting on staying in Iraq until we achieve the victory those of us with a little sense knew from the start would never be achieved.

Besides knowing that at the very least there will be a complete meltdown of the middle east if we do not have some interventio in this country from someone who can lead us.

* The growing bush created crisis is hitting critical mass. We need more than ever , someone to intervene on what the President is doing to us and the world. We see the obvious road of destruction he is preparing us and the world to go down at a point when the planet is already in critical health. It can not survive the use of even limited nuclear weapon use.
What the hell is wrong with Bush? Al gore in his new movie has expressed his knowledge and concern as to the fragility of the Planet. He knows the planet can not survive this and still be ecologically habitable. Al Gore is the man we could rally around! Even Republicans must realize how frail the planet is?
We need someone to stand up against Bush and we must all support whoever it is. Our future, thee future of America, the future of the world, the planet itself, is depandent on it!

* When I first started calling for this people belittled me. now more and more people are realizing that this is no joke Bush has the world involved with. we must act before it is too late!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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