Sunday, May 28, 2006

Cavuto Compares Bush To President Lincoln! them's Apples and Oranges! Treasony I say!

Newspapers and magazines characterized him a buffoon. Said he couldn't handle a war, let alone choose men to lead that war.
His own generals second-guessed him. One even ignored him. His economy was in shambles. And his electorate was enraged.

Folks were sharply divided. How did we get into this war? Just how badly are we handling this war?
There was a point when he looked like a doomed one-termer, and despite being re-elected, looked like he'd be, at best, a problem-plagued second-termer.

Foreign nations didn't know what to make of him. His own party often seemed to have its fill him. Hell, they know what to make of Bush all right!

His speeches were ignored at the time. His rambling, private musings the stuff of press fodder at the time. He was a dolt, a charlatan, a country bumpkin, ridiculed for telling stories on the stump, but leaving reporters, well, just stumped.,2933,197197,00.html

Read the rest of his stupidity. No wonder we are all screwed up today!
I planned on doing a Post on the Haditha Marines supposedly saying,Kill them all and let God sort them out. Definitely thought provoking. When I googled it all I got were songs of the same name. Interesting! Some of you probably listen to this. The words were appropriate too!
Then I saw this and was floored! What the hell? Making mistakes is one thing but comparing Bush's corruptive ineptitude and purposeful destruction of old world and societal order is downright treasonous.

I admit this sounds like a description of Bush and it is as far as I am concerned. In regards to Honest Abe though? Sure he had is problems I guess. However first you couldn't accuse Bush of being honest.You think about the rest if you want, not me! Also with Lincoln, I am sure those were his detractors saying that. Everyone except those benefiting from his corruptive policies are Bush's detractors. Cavuto owes an apology to Honest Abe and the country.His comparing Abe to Bush is lunacy. He will be getting a copy of this post!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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David Schantz said...

I can see how some could see similarities. The Civil War and the Patriot Act were both attacks on States Rights/The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

jmsjoin said...

Hi Dave
Thanks for the comment! I left you an email. Thank you

jmsjoin said...

Hi Dave
Thanks for the comment! I left you an email. Thank you