Friday, July 07, 2006

Great News For Us: Delay Must Remain on Ballot Despite Resigning Congress! Yay!

Former Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas) must remain on the November ballot despite his resignation from Congress last month, a federal judge ruled Thursday.

U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks, a Republican appointee, ruled that DeLay has to stay on the November ballot even though he has left Congress and has become a legal resident of Virginia.

This is great, A republican nominee even! Sounds really good for us and" we the people" and I hope the momentum builds and continues!

Bowing to Democrats and Republicans in his own district, DeLay opted to withdraw his bid for a 12th term earlier this year for fear that he might lose the Republican-held seat and out of concern that his reelection bid gave Democrats too much to rally around this campaign season. " We still have it"

The Texas Democratic Party legally challenged whether DeLay should be ineligible to run and the court heard arguments on the case last week. The ruling is a major blow to Republicans in the state's 22nd district and in Washington because party officials -- at least for now -- cannot replace DeLay's name on the ballot. That would mean DeLay would have to stand for reelection despite his resignation

This ruling has ignited Democratic hopes that they can win the seat this fall because even if Republicans win on appeal, there are only four months before the election - little time to win a legal battle and rally behind a replacement candidate. this should be good but what about the Bush factor?

"I think it's a sad day for the voters of the 22nd district of Texas," said Gary Gillen, the chairman of the Republican Party of Fort Bend County, which is one of the four counties in that district. "I think [the ruling] denies the voters the opportunity to select the candidate they want to vote for."

I beg to differ! This is a great day and a great victory for decency, America, and our ability to take our America back! This looks real good to me!

It's just not fair for Republicans,"Gary Gillen chairman of the Republican Party of Fort Bend County said. "All the time we're working through this process, [the Democrats] are out campaigning."

What do Repugs know about fair? Cry loud, cry often, has worked for them in the past. Hopefully that time is over. It is time they were treated as equals on a level playing field at least. Then we will beat them!

*when all is said and done, you have to believe that behind the scenes Bush will be underhandedly pulling strings to get this outcome in Repugs favor and of course he will deny it!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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