Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Kerry's right! The middle east Breakdown wouldn't have occurred under Him But fails to know why! I do!

I tried to find a positive article on John Kerry's recent speech but could not. I settled for this because even though it was very derogatory it was better than the rest I found. He correctly pointed out that the Iraq Breakdown, the democratic debacle in Lebanon, the Democracy in Palestine counter to our interests, The breakdown of the middle east, would not have happened if he were President but failed to point out or understand, why!
Visiting Detroit to stump for the campaign of Governor Jennifer Granholm, he used the opportunity to take a swipe at President George W. Bush's handling of the crisis. Senator Kerry echoed even some of Bush's conservative critics who say that the president's focus on Iraq has led him to failure in handling the conflict between Israel and terrorism.

( they still don't get it! It isn't that he was focused on Iraq and failed to act on the rest of the middle east! he has wanted from the beginning a new middle east order and he is getting it!).

Kerry: The president has been so absent on diplomacy when it comes to issues affecting the Middle East. ( no he has not! He is directly responsible for everything that is happening and despite what he says, he is happy the way the middle east breakdown or new world order as he calls it, is going.)
We're going to have a lot of ground to make up because of it", said Senator Kerry, adding that President Bush "has failed" in addressing other islamo-fascist organizations such as al-Qaida and the Taliban. ( I have to say, he is right there!

Over the weekend, President Bush also came under fire from William F. Buckley - founder of the "National Review" magazine. Buckley, who is sometimes referred to as the "godfather" or "patron saint" of US conservatives.
He criticized President Bush saying that he has been "engulfed" in the problems of Iraq to the exclusion of other issues, in a televised interview with CBS news. In response to the reporter's questions, Buckley said that any legacy President Bush would leave to his successor is "indecipherable." ( I am happy to hear Buckley come out against Bush but he doesn't get it either!)

Here are the facts as expressed by Bush, Israel, and recently reaserted by Condi while in the middle east. I do not understand how Kerry and all Democratic Politicians fail to remember and remind people of the truth as to what Bushco is doing!

Bush right from the start has said he is straightening out the middle east as God told him to do. He later denied it but the Palestinian PM and his assistant testified to this. He said from the beginning that he wanted a new middle east order. He has done his best to achieve this, ignoring events when it serves his purpose while influencing others. There are no shortages of examples!
The middle east is breaking down not because Bush has failed but rather because he has succeeded!
I have tried to wake up Senator Kerry, Congress, the Media, everyone, as to what is happening and why! It is all spelled out in a Doctrine of Fact/Bush Uncovered. I wrote it 3 years ago but is more telling today than ever! http://www.anaveragepatriot.com please look at it! everything Bush has done here, in the middle east, and around the world, would make instant sense if they would read it, but Nooooo! Please feel free to email a copy to whoever!
I do not believe a one of them remember Bush's own words or have seen the facts! Iraq will be lost, the entire middle east will break down, followed closely with WW3. All thanks to Bush's self professed desire for a new world order!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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