Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hated by many, Texas Mega Highway part of North American Super State being Secretly Pushed through!

Every once in a while I take a break from the daily corruption and mayhem caused by the Bush Mis-Administration. I talk about the North American Union being clandestinely pushed on the American people and others. The disturbing facts I read the other day about the trans Texas mega Highway coming from Mexico really bothered me and made me rethink and research some more on The North American Union.
I remember hearing about it in 2005 and then it dropped from the news. The plan is to complete a regional Government called the North American Union for Security and prosperity. To me as I remember, it was to compete with the EU and as for prosperity that would be for the few I am sure. The plan to unite the United States, Canada, and Mexico—is "directly stated only" in a May 2005 task force report.
Bush is "pursuing a globalist agenda to create a North American Union, effectively erasing our borders with both Mexico and Canada," which is "the hidden agenda behind the Bush administration's true open borders policy."
A North American Union is being created "through a process of governmental regulations" and without ever "having to bring the issue before the American people for a clear referendum or vote," Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Jerome Corsi wrote June 26, 2006.
Knowing Bush is pushing the North American super state through with no oversight. Despite having no authorization from Congress, the Bush administration has launched extensive working-group activity to implement a trilateral agreement with Mexico and Canada.
The membership of the working groups has not been published, nor has their work product been disclosed, despite two years of massive effort within the executive branches of the U.S., Mexico and Canada.
And knowing the North American Union is already starting to replace the United States and it is well choreographed and well underway as In March 2005 at their summit meeting in Waco, Tex., President Bush, President Fox and Prime Minister Martin issued a joint statement announced the creation of the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" (SPP). The creation of this new agreement was never submitted to Congress for debate and decision. Instead, the U.S. Department of Commerce merely created a new division under the same title to implement working groups to advance a North American Union working agenda in a wide range of areas, including: manufactured goods, movement of goods, energy, environment, e-commerce, financial services, business facilitation, food and agriculture, transportation, and health.
SPP is headed by three top cabinet level officers of each country. Representing the United States are Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Representing Mexico are Secretario de Economía Fernando Canales, Secretario de Gobernación Carlos Abascal, and Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores, Luis Ernesto Derbéz. Representing Canada are Minister of Industry David L. Emerson, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety, Anne McLellan, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pierre Stewart Pettigrew. Reporting in June 2005 to the heads of state of the three countries, the trilateral SPP emphasized the extensive working group structure that had been established to pursue an ambitious agenda:
I recommend the reading of this report but it is what is happening in Texas I find very disturbing to average Americans and what we are worth in this. There is a man-made danger on the horizon: a colossal, 600-mile superhighway that will plow across the state of Texas, perhaps cutting through his sorghum fields and cornfields, some of the best farm land in the world lost but I guess that is small trade off for the farm lands of Mexico and Canada.
There is envisioned a combined toll road and rail system that would whisk traffic along a megahighway stretching from the Oklahoma line to Mexico bypassing local towns and businesses effectively shutting them out.
That stretch would only be the first link in a 4,000-mile, $184 billion network. The corridors would be up to a quarter-mile across, consisting of as many as six lanes for cars and four for trucks, plus railroad tracks, oil and gas pipelines, water and other utility lines, and broadband cables.
At first glance a 600 mile long highway crossing Texas from Mexico may not seem to take much land but when you counsider that it will be 10 miles wide and it is only the beginning of a massive Mexico to Canada project that lo and behold is scheduled to begin in 2010. The exact route for the cross-Texas corridor has not been drawn up, though it probably will be somewhere within a 10-mile-wide swath running parallel to Interstate 35. Whatever course it takes, it is clear many farmers and property owners will lose their land, though they will be compensated by the state. Construction could begin by 2010.
It is disturbing to me that we do not hear about any of this and it is being done clandestinely like everything else today, right under our noses and I am amazed that no one in Texas has put two and two together as to this Trans Texas mega highway and the North American Union. We must make this too heard, it is important to our America.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma


Larry said...

I had just written a new article for Lydia Cornell's blog on this very subject that will be up sometime soon.

This is scary but sadly enough, it gets little coverage except on Lou Dobbs.

jmsjoin said...

Hi Larry!
I just saw this and I will check out what you wrote on it. It is scary stuff and since it is being done clandestinelyt and Bush is at the helm you better be very scared.
I crosspost on dkos and I got a good response out of a lot of people but there are some who stupidly think this too is tin foil hat and a figment of our imagination.
Sadly they are wrong on this too and I have come to the conclusion that despite us knowing anything and trying to wake people up that in the end we are powerless and some will stay in LaLa land and we will just be dragged down with them.



The term FREE TRADE is usually defined as the absence of tariffs, quotas, or other governmental barriers to international trade. There is no doubt that some recent free trade agreements have not been very good for the American worker. On the other hand, the agreements have been great for the large multinational corporations, particularly those that have moved their manufacturing plants from the United States to China, Mexico and other low-wage countries where they can hire people there for a few dollars a week. These corporations can now produce their products without worrying about the costs of meeting OSHA requirements, providing employee health care or pensions for its workers and then they can bring their products back into the USA to sell. These products oftentimes are not made to the same quality standards as when they were produced in America and as recents incidents involving Chineese imports have shown, these products can pose health hazards to Americans as well.

The supporters of many free trade agreements, particularly the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), have always promised increased exports, better jobs and better wages. Under many of these free trade agreements, however, just the opposite has occurred. Under NAFTA, for example, the U.S. trade deficit has soared and now averages $55-65 Billion dollars per month; the U.S. has lost over a million manufacturing jobs and real wages in both the U.S. and Mexico have fallen significantly. In short, NAFTA has not been a friend to the citizenry of either the United States or Mexico.

In 2005, a new mechanism was created to speed the further expansion of the NAFTA free trade agreement into a North American Union. It is called the Strategic and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP)’ The SPP is designed to facilitate the establishment of a North America Union through the “economic integration” of the US, Mexico and Canada. The most important feature of the SPP is that it does not require congressional ratification or the passage of any federal legislation by the congress of the United States. This design places the negotiation fully within the authority of the executive branch in the United States. How else would Mexican truckers be able to begin operating in the USA over the objections of Congress, American truckers and most of the American people?

The people and their elected representatives in congress no longer seem to have a voice when it comes to international trade. This is definitely a national sovereignty issue. International trade issues that affect 300+ million Americans should be made by the people’s representatives in Congress, not by a handful of government bureaucrats and corporate elites who use their government connections to bypass congress and ignore our Constitution, which expressly grants Congress the sole authority to regulate international trade.
The goal of these international trade elite is to create an integrated North American Union, complete with a currency, a cross-national bureaucracy, and virtually borderless travel within the proposed Union. Like the European Union, a North American Union would represent another step toward the destruction of our national sovereignty. A free America, with limited, constitutional government, would just be a memory.

Not all free trade agreements are bad, but I believe that the United States of America must withdraw from any international agreements that infringe upon the freedom, sovereignty and independence of the American people.

Candidate for Congress
New York’s 20th Congressional District