Monday, August 28, 2017

The Arab spring has sprung a leak that will sink the middle east

As you know, I talk about it often as I watch Bush's new Middle East (dis)order progress. He ignored Afghanistan so he could use the patriot acts powers to divert from Afghanistan to attack Iraq using the excuse of unseating Saddam so he could get in the Middle East to help Israel establish a buffer zone and establish a new middle east (dis) order or so Israel and Cheney thought. 

Bush at Cheney's urging made an abrupt shift in policy towards Syria, a shift that has now brought the entire Mid-east region to the brink of war and chaos. Much worse than the hell on earth they created for Iraq.

That plan was put together in 1996 for Israel. They were just waiting for an idiot to come along so they could implement their plan for the Middle East. Along came the life long follower and life long alcoholic loser Georgie Bush.

I wish I could say the rest is History but this is still barely beginning and just beginning to take shape. All Bush did by ignoring Afghanistan and attacking Iraq was to guarantee a loss of everything and a complete Middle East and Asian Breakdown.

We freed Iran up to pursue her version of new middle East order by interfering wherever she could while Bush was doing the same thing with his Middle East Democratization program. I think you can see how successful Bush and Cheney were with chaos creating Middle East Democracy program but you are barely seeing the results they created in Iran.

The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new Middle East (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!

You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran!

What about the Kurds who want their autonomy and they do not want to share their oil fields period. Nuri Al-Maliki wants that issue resolved and it will never be. The entire middle east and north Africa and our more than century of interference and exploitation can take the blame for that too. This is going to happen even under a President Obama. Watch out Iran, watch out world, watch out America!

As you know, in the middle of the Iraq breakdown and the ensuing emboldenment of Iran to take over the new middle east direction, we had what most naively called the Arab spring. This is not a spring it is a fall. The question is now being asked if Egypt will follow Iraq. Of course it will and is by design. If you have not please read "A clean break" up above.

The entire middle east will follow Iraq and it was known before Bush made his decision to attack Iraq and unsettle the already frail middle east order. At this point we should step back and let the middle east work out its horrible growing pains by itself but as usual we will not. Whatever we do at this point it will be the wrong thing by someone.

We should cut off the money (1.3 billion annually) that we give Egypt ass like it or not in deposing the Democratically elected Morsi and the Brotherhood we have gone against our own principles. We must leave Egypt too her own demise. They were stupid enough to vote in an Islamist. What the hell were they thinking? Of course they would try to take over the entire Government.

The devolution of the middle east is just beginning. We must step back and watch like it or not. Let another so called super power step in and get in over their ears because they will. At this point the key here is to keep this local to the middle east. We must at all costs keep it from turning into WW3 but I would not bet on it.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

1 comment:

Demeur said...

This was never about democracy or justice or anything like it. This is the new model of corporate wars with the military and the government taking it's marching orders. Both Bush and Cheney are clueless when it comes to understanding the culture and history of the middle east but what do they care? Their only goal was to exploit the situation.

World War III? I doubt that because that wouldn't be part of their business model. You never want to kill the host when you're busy sucking the life blood out of him.